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Press Release: Coptic Nayrouz Service 2014

For immediate use
22 October 2014

Coptic Orthodox Church UK
Media and Communications Office

Coptic Orthodox Church (Europe)
Media and Communications Office


The Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom celebrated the Feast of Nayrouz, marking the new Coptic Year in St Margaret’s Church, Westminster Abbey on 21 October 2014, with a sermon by His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom, and messages from His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales, The Right Honourable David Cameron Prime Minister, and the Most Reverend Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury.

Speaking of his recent visit to The Coptic Orthodox Church Centre in the United Kingdom, HRH The Prince of Wales praised:

“the dedication and commitment of the Coptic faithful in contributing to the life of the Church, and of this country, in many ways, some unseen and unheard.”

Going on to say:

“I very much share your deep concern for all those still facing grave challenges across North Africa and the Middle East…The Coptic Orthodox community in Egypt and, indeed, Christians across the Middle East, have often proved themselves to be those who build bridges between different groups and religions. They have shown great forbearance and longsuffering despite the on-going persecution they face, providing a humbling example of what it is to be a faithful Christian.”

In his message, Prime Minister David Cameron said:

“As our Coptic communities mark Nayrouz today, we celebrate the fantastic contribution they make to our country and we think of the many Christian communities around the world for whom this New Year is a time of fear and suffering.”

Speaking in support of the Coptic Orthodox Community, the Prime Minister went on to say:

“We call for unity in support of tolerance, in standing up for the rights of people of all faiths and backgrounds and in promoting the building blocks of democracy as the long-term basis to defeat extremism in the region…we stand alongside the Coptic Church and other Christian churches in the Middle East in pursuing these values, treasuring the long history and deep roots of these churches and their commitment to the common good.”

 The Archbishop of Canterbury, in his message said:

 “My prayer for all the faithful of the Coptic Church is that the coming year will bring peace and hope. In situations of crisis and conflict may the primacy of our inter church relations as Christians standing together and praying for one another provide us with the wisdom, courage and strength in Christ to dialogue, clarify, act and heal.” 

In his sermon, Bishop Angaelos spoke of the responsibility and obligation of Christians to advocate for religious freedom for all, saying:

“Freedom is a responsibility and an obligation that we have been given by God and must take seriously. We must, when we can, speak the truth; it is not an option. We must look at the freedom we have today in standing and praying together, and seek to use that freedom to benefit all those who are not able to do the same.”

Speaking of the defiance and resolve of many who suffer gross violations of their religious freedom, he said:

“We are reminded that in the midst of this immense darkness there is an incredible light, witness, example, power, and victory. What appears to be death and defeat is actually defiance and victory for, in the cases of many of these people, it is a greater victory to have died for their Faith than to have given it up to continue otherwise. While this may be the case, and they may be defiant and victorious, we must also continue to actively advocate for them.

The unity that we express today in standing side by side for those less fortunate or free than ourselves will be a testimony to encourage us and them that they are not forgotten. We stand here in the confidence that God hears our prayers and the cries of all who call upon Him, reminded in Exodus 3:7 “I have surely seen the oppression of My people…and have heard their cry…for I know their sorrows.”

After the messages were read there was a greeting by Archbishop Antonio Mennini, Apostolic Nuncio to Great Britain followed by addresses from The Baroness Berridge of the Vale of Catmose, and The Lord Alton of Liverpool.

The service was attended by members of the House of Lords, House of Commons, members of the diplomatic core and various ecumenical and official guests, as well as members of the Coptic community in the United Kingdom.



Photographs from the event are available via and HERE


Press Release: Coptic Nayrouz Service 2014

For immediate use
21 October 2014

Coptic Orthodox Church UK
Media and Communications Office

Coptic Orthodox Church (Europe)
Media and Communications Office

His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom will address members of the House of Lords, House of Commons, members of the diplomatic core and various ecumenical and official guests on matters of international religious freedom and the plight of Christians in the Middle East during a Coptic service at St Margaret’s Church, Westminster Abbey on 21 October 2014.

The service will commemorate the Coptic Feast of Nayrouz, marking the new Coptic Year in remembrance of the martyrs of the past two millennia and those who continue to suffer for their Faith to date.

In the lead up to the service, Bishop Angaelos said:

“It is a blessing to celebrate this new Coptic year with friends representing the wider Christian family, other religions and the broader civic society in which we live. This is an opportunity for us all to raise our hearts in prayer for those suffering gross violations of religious freedom in Iraq, Syria, and the broader Middle East, as well as Nigeria and other places currently overcome by conflict. We will stand in fellowship in the historic church of St Margaret’s Westminster, to mark a significant contribution at a time when unity and collaborative effort are increasingly needed.”

During the service there will be addresses from members of parliament, and messages will be delivered from His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales, The Right Honourable David Cameron Prime Minister, The Most Reverend Archbishop Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, with a greeting by Archbishop Antonio Mennini.


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Anba Bakhomios

Recent update re HE Metropolitan Bakhomios

Recent update on the health of His Eminence Metropolitan Bakhomios of Boheira and Pentapolis by His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom

15 October 2014

His Eminence Metropolitan Bakhomios of Boheira and Pentapolis, and former Locum Tenens of the Coptic Orthodox Church, was discharged from hospital on Monday 13 October and is undergoing a period of continuing medical care in London before returning to Egypt.

We give thanks to God for his recovery, and pray that he may soon return to his diocese, his flock, and to the whole Church at the earliest possible time.

Further update on the health of His Eminence Metropolitan Bakhomios of Boheira and Pentapolis by His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom

24 September 2014

His Eminence Metropolitan Bakhomios of Boheira and Pentapolis, and former Locum Tenens of the Coptic Orthodox Church, has been moved to another hospital in London for rehabilitation and physiotherapy as a result of his improved health condition.

His Holiness Pope Tawadros II 118th Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch on the holy Apostolic See of Saint Mark has been in contact with Metropolitan Bakhomios on numerous occasions by telephone and has assumed responsibility for his arrangements and all medical expenses. A number of bishops from Egypt and other countries have visited His Eminence, and HG Bishop Biemen of Quos and Naqada will continue to accompany him throughout the course of his treatment.

We pray for his speedy recovery, that he may return to his diocese, his flock, and to the whole Church at the earliest possible time.

Public visits are still currently not permitted on medical advice.

8 September 2014

Update on the health of His Eminence Metropolitan Bakhomios of Boheira and Pentapolis by His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom

His Eminence Metropolitan Bakhomios of Boheira and Pentapolis, and former Locum Tenens of the Coptic Orthodox Church, was transported by air ambulance from Cairo to England on 27 August 2014, after which he was transferred and admitted to a London hospital for treatment. His Eminence was accompanied by His Grace Bishop Biemen of Quos and Naqada.

Physicians overseeing the treatment of His Eminence, including Professors Michael Henein and George Hanna report the following:

“Metropolitan Bakhomios was transferred from Egypt to England,  because of resistant fever and disturbed consciousness. He underwent detailed investigations which confirmed  the diagnosis of meningio-encephalitis caused by West Nile virus. He is currently receiving supportive care and treatment and has already shown signs of slight partial improvement. This disease varies in its prognosis between patients.”

We pray for his speedy recovery, that he may return to his diocese, his flock, and to the whole Church at the earliest possible time.

Visits are still currently not permitted on medical advice.


Statement re religious freedom in Middle East

For immediate use
10 September 2014

Coptic Orthodox Church UK
Media and Communications Office

Coptic Orthodox Church (Europe)
Media and Communications Office

tatement by His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom on 10 September 2014 regarding the need for collaboration to address violations of international religious freedom in Iraq, Syria and the Wider Middle East.

Bishop Angaelos is delivering a keynote address at the In Defence of Christians (IDC) Summit in Washington DC on 10 September 2014 between 1-2pm (BST) 8-9am (EDT).

The three day summit, which intends to promote solidarity and strengthen advocacy efforts with policy makers and elected officials for those suffering in the Middle East, features human rights experts, public officials, representatives in public office, policy makers, diplomats, and Church leaders and representatives from across the Middle Eastern Christian community.

Bishop Angaelos will deliver another keynote address on Thursday 11 September at the Summit 1:30-3:30pm (BST) 8:30-10:30am (EDT).

His Grace will also be representing His Holiness Pope Tawadros II, 118th Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of All Africa on the holy Apostolic See of Saint Mark.

Statement by His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom on the Need for Collaboration to Address Violations of International Religious Freedom in Iraq, Syria and the wider Middle East

The widespread brutality facing Christians and minorities in the Middle East is intensifying, and gross violations of the God-given right and freedom to practice Faith and belief, as protected by Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, is increasingly experienced by them in their homelands.

Heightened levels of extremism seek to eradicate indigenous Christian communities that have been a vital part of the identity, culture and heritage of the Middle East for over two millennia. Those communities that do not fit within the extremist ideology now spreading through the region are at greater risk of no longer being a part of its fabric. The model of intolerance and extremism that we are witnessing, will become legitimised and replicated throughout the Middle East and further afield if left unchallenged, and will continue to marginalise, alienate and destroy all in its path.

While Christians continue to suffer the brunt of these dangerous levels of exclusion and dehumanisation, Yazidis and other religious and ethnic minorities, including many Muslims, also suffer the same fate. Innocent men, women and children face extreme persecution, torture and murder for their Faith. The loss of these historic communities, with their stabilising and reconciling presence, will not only have a detrimental effect on their own countries but on the entire region.

This is a time for collaboration and a unified effort against ideologies that seek to attack the fundamental principles of human rights and civilisation that have developed over millennia. Christians, along with those who live by faith, morals, and ethics, and the international community, must collaborate to address this threat against not only innocent civilians, but our way of life as we know it today.

Rhetoric used to describe the atrocities in the Middle East must no longer remain within a religious framework, but rather deal with these events as unacceptable crimes against citizens of countries who are entitled to the basic rights and freedoms of all. It is within this context that the international community must commit itself to providing, supporting, and advocating, in every way it can, for Christians and others whose fundamental right to freedom of Faith is denied in Iraq, Syria, Egypt and the wider Middle East.

We give thanks for our brothers and sisters who despite immense challenges, continue to live their Christian Faith with extraordinary strength and resilience, but as Christians we do not pray and advocate for them alone, but for all those denied their God-given right to freedom in the Middle East.


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For more information about the IDC Summit 2014 please visit

PR 3

ME Church Leaders meet RE Iraq / Syria

For immediate use
3 September 2014

Coptic Orthodox Church UK
Media and Communications Office

Coptic Orthodox Church (Europe)
Media and Communications Office

In an unprecedented ecumenical gathering at Lambeth Palace hosted by The Most Revd Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, and initiated by His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom, a joint statement was agreed by leaders and representatives of the Churches of the Middle East and the wider Christian Church in Britain.

The meeting began with a round table discussion regarding the plight of Christians and minority communities in Iraq, Syria and the wider Middle East. A joint statement was then agreed, expressing solidarity with, and advocating for, all those who continue to suffer gross violations of the fundamental right and freedom to practice their chosen faith.

The round table discussion was followed by a service of prayer to give thanks for Christians in the Middle East and to remember all those who have lost their lives or continue to suffer persecution. A short press briefing followed.

After the meeting, Bishop Angaelos said:

It is incomprehensible and unacceptable in the 21stCentury that our sisters and brothers in the Middle East face intimidation and death for exercising their freedom of religion or belief, or merely being of a certain ethnic background.

We have gathered today as leaders and representatives of Churches in the Middle East within the wider Church in Britain to stand in solidarity with those who are persecuted for their Christian faith, as well as all who fall victim to injustice.

We have spoken in one voice, calling for the continued support of Christians and minority groups across the Middle East, and pray protection upon them while they remain steadfast in the face of unimaginable challenges.

With regards to media coverage of the plight of Christians in the Middle East, Archbishop Justin said:

When you are looking at the murder and the slaughter of vast numbers of people there is never enough in terms of coverage, and it is easy to forget that is part of a global process of immense suffering. I think in looking at the Middle East we hope that the media will not move on quickly but will continue to remember those who are suffering so greatly.
The statement is below:


Meeting and Service of Prayer for Christians in the Middle East


3 September 2014

A new situation has arisen which creates a state of emergency in the Middle East for Christians and other religious and ethnic minorities. The recent increase in violence and aggression has resulted in gross violations of fundamental rights and freedoms in the region. We gathered today as Christians including those originally from the Middle East to stand in solidarity and prayer with our brothers and sisters who seek to practice their faith and belief in lands where they have been a continuing presence for centuries.

The Middle East is the birthplace of Christianity, and home to indigenous Christian communities that have been an indispensable part of its history. Despite the challenges, Christians in the region were and are a stabilising and reconciling presence. Today, particularly in Iraq and Syria, they are at great risk from violence fostered by extremist ideologies which no longer see them as being part of the future. The Middle East is in desperate danger of losing an irreplaceable part of its identity, heritage and culture.

We are seeing an extreme religious ideology that knows no limits in its persecution of those who are culturally or religiously different. Those who promote this intolerance must be challenged and the perpetrators of violence held to account. The suffering of those who bear the brunt of its terror requires us to act and bear witness to their plight, whatever ethnic group or religious minority, they come from. We must provide relief and safety for those displaced and in fear of their lives in consultation with our partners in the region. We must also bring pressure to bear on those who can provide security to those affected.

In meeting and praying together, we give thanks for our brothers and sisters as they continue to live their Christian faith with strength and perseverance. We commit to continue to stand with them in prayer, to speak for freedom from persecution for Christians and all other religious communities and those of no faith who live as minority groups across the region. We also continue to urge Her Majesty’s Government to work within the international community to safeguard and provide for all those affected.

To our brothers and sisters in the Middle East, We “share with you in Jesus the persecution and the kingdom and the patient endurance.” Revelation 1:9



HE smiling

Announcement re HE Metropolitan Bakhomios

Announcement by His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom regarding His Eminence Metropolitan Bakhomios

His Eminence Metropolitan Bakhomios of Boheira and Pentapolis, and former Locum Tenens of the Coptic Orthodox Church, was transported by air ambulance from Cairo to England on 27 August 2014, after which he was transferred and admitted to a London hospital for treatment. His Eminence was accompanied by His Grace Bishop Biemen of Quos and Naqada.

Physicians treating His Eminence report that his temperature is now normal, his condition is stable and he is undergoing further tests and investigations. We pray for his speedy recovery, that he may return to his diocese, his flock, and to the whole Church at the earliest possible time.

Visits are currently not permitted on medical advice.

BBC HARDtalk with HG Bishop Angaelos

HG Bishop Angaelos on BBC HARDtalk re the Middle East

20 August 2014

 Coptic Orthodox Church UK
Media and Communications Office

 Coptic Orthodox Church (Europe)
Media and Communications Office

 On 19 August 2014, presenter Stephen Sackur interviewed His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom on BBC HARDtalk regarding Christians and minorities in the Middle East.

 Watch the interview HERE

The programme will also be broadcast on BBC 2 on Tuesday 26 August at 10:35am BST

If outside the United Kingdom, the schedule is as follows on BBC World TV: Wednesday 20 August – 14:30 GMT, 20:30 GMT

Visit the BBC UK HARDtalk website and BBC World HARDtalk website

Boys praying in burned church

HG Bishop Angaelos on Iraq, Syria, Egypt, the Middle East

For immediate use 14 August 2014

 Coptic Orthodox Church UK Media and Communications Office

 Coptic Orthodox Church (Europe) Media and Communications Office

 Statement by His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom, on the anniversary of the unprecedented attacks on Churches in Egypt, and the current situation in Iraq, Syria and the Middle East As we witness the atrocities in Iraq and Syria, and share the pain of those who are displaced and have lost loved ones, we also remember those commemorating the first anniversary of painful events that unfolded in Egypt over the coming days. Whether considering communities and families who lost loved ones in the pro-Morsi protests in the suburbs of Cairo, or the scores of Christian communities whose churches and places of ministry throughout Egypt were subsequently attacked, the continuing need for healing and reconciliation is ever present. These events in Egypt are now anall-too-distant memory for many around the world, but for those personally touched by them, there remains real pain. For most, this pain is accompanied by a sense of immense loss, while for some who take a more radical line, by anger and a need for violent retribution. This need drove a small minority, a year ago, to retaliate against the scapegoated Christian community of Egypt that chose the extraordinary path of non-retaliation despite the unjustified and unprecedented level of attacks. Their restraint was, and continues to be, a powerful witness that has provided a strong foundation for peace and reconciliation. Whether addressing Egypt, Iraq, Syria, or the broader Middle East, peace, stability, cohesion and reconciliation are traits of unified and unifying states, and can not come about without the support of a proactive and intentional effort from those who govern them. With the atrocities we are witnessing at the forefront of our minds, we continue to advocate for those, regardless of race, religion or belief, who are suffering, and pray God’s grace and strength upon them as they currently endure immense challenges and persecution, and endeavour to move ahead from a place of mourning and loss. As the situation facing Christians and minority groups in the Middle East increasingly spirals to new and dangerous levels of exclusion and dehumanisation, the need is intensified for both the unified Body of Christ within the Christian family, and the global community as a whole, to stand in solidarity with those suffering, condemn acts of brutality, and provide whatever assistance may be needed, while at the same time, explore every possible means of healing, rebuilding and restoring of communities and lives. We continue to hold those suffering great struggles, indignity and the loss of precious human life in our prayers, that grace, healing and strength be bestowed upon them all at this time. We also pray for those committing these atrocities, that they will one day realise the sanctity and dignitygranted equally by God to every human life. *Ends* View all statements and press releases via 


Statement by HG Bishop Angaelos re Mosul, Iraq

Statement by His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom regarding the situation in Mosul, Iraq

25 July 2014

As the widespread violence and aggression facing Christians and minority groups in Mosul, Iraq, intensifies, it is increasingly evident that the fundamental right and freedom to practice one’s Faith and belief is, and continues to be, grossly violated.

We are currently witnessing an unacceptable widespread implementation of extremist religious ideology that threatens the lives of all Iraqi’s who do not fit within its ever-narrowing perspective. While this situation stands to eradicate centuries of co-existence and culture in the region it also threatens to significantly and negatively impact these communities for generations to come. If left unchallenged, it is not Iraq alone that is at risk, but the potential is intensified for the replication of this ideology as a viable and legitimate model for others across the Middle East.

As the situation escalates, little is being said in the worldwide community, and I am therefore appreciative of the recent comment by The Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies, and its Chairman, His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan, expressing its concern over the current situation in Mosul. Comments such as this have the potential to positively influence these and similar situations by challenging what is being taught, and presenting an alternative religious understanding.

We continue to pray and advocate for all whose God-given right to freedom is denied, hoping that acceptance and respect for all is realised in these affected communities, and that grace, healing and strength will be given to those who continue to suffer great atrocities and the loss of precious human life.


For more statements, comments and press releases please visit our Media and Communications Office website via


Freedom of Faith: Comment by HG Bishop Angaelos

For immediate use
16 May 2014

Coptic Orthodox Church UK
Media and Communications Office

Coptic Orthodox Church (Europe)
Media and Communications Office

Freedom of Faith

Comment by His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom

The freedom to choose and practice one’s faith is a fundamental right for all under international law, and yet we continue to see numerous tragic cases around the world in which that same right is non-existent, and exercising this freedom is punishable, sometimes even by death.

As Christians we believe that all are created in the Image and likeness of God, with His Image intrinsic to our human nature, which lays the foundation for respect and love for all. Within this nature, we believe that all have been given the freedom to choose and live according to those choices, and while freedom of religion is one choice that is central to the lives of millions across the world, it continues to be widely violated.

As recently reported by Amnesty International, Meriam Yahia Ibrahim Ishag is a Christian Sudanese woman in Sudan who was sentenced “to death by hanging for ‘apostasy’” after refusing to renounce her Christian Faith and convert to Islam, although she has lived as a Christian since her childhood. Meriam, who is twenty seven years old and is eight months pregnant, was reportedly also sentenced to “flogging for ‘adultery’” because her marriage to a Christian man is considered unlawful. This, among other cases, sheds light on the intensity of the struggle facing so many around the world who strive to merely practice their faith.

The recent and deeply-disturbing development of the kidnapped schoolgirls in Nigeria who have reportedly been forced to convert to Islam is yet another incident that has shocked the international community, and in which this brutal violation of this fundamental human right is also causing great distress to families who anxiously await the return of their children.

Egyptian Christians know the effect of religious persecution against numeric minority communities in the Middle East all too well, with the emergence of pockets of intolerant Islamism that have led to more attacks on Christians in the eighteen months following the popular uprising of 2011, than over the twenty years prior. This intolerance has not only affected Christians however, as the first attacks after the uprising were on Sufi shrines, and on a separate occasion Shi’ite Muslims were also senselessly killed in the streets. That said, as Christians we do not live defeated but strive to advocate for all who suffer persecution, oppression and marginalisation, be they Christian or otherwise, man, woman, young or old.

The Baha’i community in Iran is likewise no stranger to religious persecution, and 14 May 2014 marks the sixth anniversary of the imprisonment of seven Baha’i leaders, detained for carrying out ‘peaceful activities on behalf of their communities’.

Here in Britain we pride ourselves on our multi-cultural community that seeks to accommodate and provide for all, and rightly so. We cannot however ignore the fact that, for many across the Middle East in particular, the concept of citizenship, justice and equality are not rights available to everyone, and are very much dependent on a person’s religious affiliation.

We must not forget those around the world who continue to face intense persecution for merely attempting to live out their chosen faith. We also continue to pray and advocate for the rights of these individuals and communities so that this God-given freedom may be exercised within the context of peaceful co-existence and cohesion. This will then ensure a spirit of true reconciliation and acceptance within political states and communities that respect all as equal individuals with equal rights.


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